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The Koryaks live in the central and northern parts of Kamchatka and are composed of two groups. The Nymylans / Alyutors live on the coasts, where they mainly hunt marine mammals and fish. The Chavchuvens, on the other hand, stay with their reindeer herds in the interior of the peninsula. For both groups, hunting land animals is also important, as well as gathering plants and berries for a balanced diet rich in vitamins. Living in different environments various groups developed their own worldviews and rituals as well as their equipment and tools to meet their needs. For this they make use of natural materials, which animals and plants of their given habitat provide to them.

Worldview & Rituals

The Koryaks see in the mythological figure of the raven (Kutkynniaku) the creator of the world, about whom and his family there is a rich oral tradition. Although shamans no longer exist among the Koryaks since their persecution during the Soviet era, their former power still lives on in family memories. Through rituals at reconciliation festivals with nature, the Koryaks emphasize their special relationship with the animal world, with which they must live in harmony.

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Gathering Plants

The Koryaks use curved hoes made of horn or iron to dig up the roots of plants. Mice also build up a winter supply of these roots, which can be found using a special search stick. Blueberries or cranberries are collected with special baskets made from sewn birch bark. The pith of the willowherb is removed from the stem with scraping knives.

Woven bags are used to transport collected plants and berries.

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Fishing motifs often feature in art. For fishing and sea hunting, the Koryaks living on the coasts (Nymylans) used fur boats on the sea and dugout canoes for transportation on rivers. Capelin fishes are caught on the coast using special equipment and are processed for drying. They are mainly used to feed the dog teams in winter.

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Hunting Marine And Land Animals

Seals and bearded seals provide vitamin-rich food under extreme climatic conditions. Their skins are used as valuable materials for leather straps and clothing. The snow sheep provides important supplementary food to the harvest from fishing and sea hunting. The horn is also sought after as a material for tools and artistic representations. Dog teams are an important means of transportation, especially for winter fur trapping.

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Reindeer Herding

Reindeer herding motifs often feature in art. Reindeer sleighs are an important means of transportation during the winter. Snowshoes and skis are adapted to the special conditions of the landscape. Reindeer herders need special equipment because of their mobility. Small objects were used for games for entertainment.

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Due to the often-extreme climatic conditions and winter temperatures, outerwear, hats and gloves are made from reindeer skins. Reindeer leg skins, which are particularly warm, and soles made from bearded sealskin or bearskin are used for winter boots. The furs are prepared using special scrapers. Special knives, needles and threads are used for cuts, appliqués and ornaments.

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Other Household Items

Smaller storage baskets and bags are woven from grasses and parts of other plants or made from animal skins. Snow beaters are used to knock off snow so that it does not soak the clothes when it thaws in the yurt. In the past, carved combs made from walrus tusk were also used. The drum is the most important instrument of the Koryaks.

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Worldview and Rituals

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Shaman figure

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Fire Board

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Ololo figure

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Ololo figure

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Ololo figure

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Kutkynniaku group

Gathering plants

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Search stick

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Scraping knife

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Scraping knife


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Carved wooden board

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Landing net

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Fish trap

Hunting marine and land animals

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Snow sheep

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Dogs and sable

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Dog team

Reindeer herding

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Engraved reindeer antlers

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Reindeer sledge

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Reindeer sledge

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Knife set

Household items

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Snow beater

Clothing and decorative crafts

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Winter coat

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Festive parka

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Festive parka

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Festive parka pendants

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Child's cap

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Child's cap

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Rock fragment

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Needles and thimbles

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Needles and thimbles

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Needles and thimbles

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Festive parka pendants

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Festive parka
